La increíble travesía de un perro rescatado en Turquía

Balam, a lovable rescue dog from the Querétaro Red Cross, has made headlines for his heroic efforts in Turkey. Despite facing adversity in the form of poisoning, Balam persevered and continued to assist with search and rescue operations. Sadly, he was targeted by a neighbor who threw tainted sausages at him while he was out for his daily walk with his parents Athos and Tango, who were also involved in rescue efforts. But Balam refused to let this setback deter him from his important mission.

A courageous puppy that managed to survive a poisoning incident has now become a skilled rescuer. This tragic event marked the first time that an act of abuse against pups led to criminal charges in Mexico, and the perpetrator was sentenced to a decade in prison. Sadly, the parents of the pup, named Balam, were too young to withstand the assault. Shockingly, on June 13, 2021, a senior citizen named Benjamin N. committed the heinous crime of poisoning these furry heroes.

Athos, Balam’s father, was well-known for his heroic efforts in rescuing seven people who were buried under the debris of the Mexico City earthquake on September 19, 2017. His death caused a lot of controversy in the Latin American region, and the trial against the person responsible for his death finally came to a close. Local media reported that the man had frequently issued threats against the puppies’ caretakers, warning them against using the same streets. Tragically, he succeeded in hurting Athos, which ultimately led to the loss of Balam and Tango’s father.

The individual who committed wrong was ultimately held accountable and is currently serving time behind bars. Meanwhile, Balam continues to honor his father’s memory by rescuing individuals in need and spreading positivity during times of natural disasters.

Since the tragic incident, Balam has been fortunate to have a supportive community around him as he copes with the loss of his owner. One of his caretakers, Edgar Martinez, has taken on the responsibility of being his primary caregiver. Balam, a mix of border collie and Australian shepherd, remains surrounded by kindhearted individuals who are aiding in his path to recovery.

This adorable furry creature has captured the hearts of millions with its exceptional skill of rescuing missing individuals, which it has been trained to do for quite some time now. Balam, who was the only dog that survived after being poisoned, is now assisting in the rescue efforts for those affected by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria. A team of experts from various organizations, including Sedena, Navy, Red Cross, and Topos, were sent from Mexico to support the Eurasian nation during this challenging period. Marcelo Ebrard, the Secretary of Foreign Relations, confirmed their arrival in Adana, which is 240 kilometers away from the earthquake’s epicenter.

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