Gladiolo: La noble belleza de la naturaleza.


Gladiolus – A beautiful, brilliant beauty that adorns life

Gladiolus, also known as ylang-ylang, is a flower loved for its beautiful, brilliant beauty and passionate fragrance. This flower is often used to decorate homes, as gifts and to decorate important events.



Each gladiolus flower grows singly on the tip of the branch, with petals delicately stacked on top of each other, creating a unique trumpet-like shape. The colors of gladiolus flowers are extremely diverse, from pure white, bright yellow, gentle pink to deep purple and crimson, bringing richness and brilliance to the space.

The scent of gladiolus is passionate, seductive, wafting in the wind, spreading throughout the space. That fragrance awakens the human soul, evoking romantic and passionate emotions.


Gladiolus flowers are not only beautiful in color and fragrance but also have a beautiful symbolic meaning. In Vietnamese culture, gladiolus symbolizes pride, victory, gratitude and passionate love. This flower is often used to express appreciation, admiration and love for others.


Besides its aesthetic value and symbolic meaning, gladiolus also has medicinal uses. Gladiolus bulbs can be used to make medicinal decoctions to help purify the body, support digestion and treat some cardiovascular diseases.

Gladiolus – a beautiful, brilliant flower, with beauty and profound meaning. This flower is like a precious gift from nature, beautifying life more vividly and bringing people joy, luck and good health.


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