A Thousand Years of History Awakened – Priceless Viking Treasure Discovered in Ancient Coffin

A metal detecting enthusiast unearthed ‘the find of a lifetime’ when he discovered a Viking treasure hoard including 200 pieces of silver jewellery.

Darren Webster dug up a 1,000-year-old casket that also held coins, hacksilver and ingots while scouring at an undisclosed location on the border between Cumbria and North Lancashire.

Experts at the British Museum in London say the find is of ‘national significance’.


Treasure trove: Darren Webster uncovered a 1,000-year-old casket containing 200 pieces of silver jewellery, coins, hacksilver and ingots while using his metal detector in Cumbria

‘It’s a find of a lifetime,’ said Mr Webster, from Carnforth, Cumbria.

‘It’s a long process having the find assessed.


‘Neither me or the landowner know what will happen with it. There has been a lot of interest. I want everybody to know about the find.

‘I got a good signal on my detector so I dug about 18 inches and then I saw a lead pot. It was slightly open. I could see all the coins and jewellery inside. It was a great feeling.’

Bracelets elaborately engraved with serpents, which could have been worn by a wealthy Viking leader, make up part of the discovery along with rings and an impressive stash of coins.

The haul is now being studied by experts at the British Museum who will reveal their findings in December.


Secret: Mr Webster has not revealed the location of his find – which included silver jewellery and coins – but he made it while out on a weekly expedition on the border between Cumbria and North Lancashire

Brian Randall, chairman of the Lune Valley Metal Detecting Club, said: ‘We are all thrilled for Darren and wish it was us.

‘No one goes out looking for hoards but it’s very nice if you do find one.’

Sabine Skae, the curator of Barrow’s Dock Museum, said the new hoard will help put Cumbria and South Lakeland on the map as having an important Viking heritage.


‘Over the past ten years there has been an increase in small finds and now some larger finds which is really forcing people to look at Cumbria in a new way,’ said Mrs Skae.

Oxford University anthropology lecturer, Stephen Oppenheimer, said big hoards such as this paint a new picture of what Vikings were doing in England.

The discovery of big hoards break down the stereotype of Vikings just coming over here to raid our churches and take valuables back to their own country.


Antique jewellery: The bracelets, engraved with serpents, could have been worn by a wealthy Viking leader

‘Burying large amounts like this indicates they were settling here,’ said Mr Oppenheimer.

Local archaeologist Steve Dickinson, of Ulverston, said the hoard was ‘extremely important nationally’.

He said: ‘Any hoard is always rare and therefore of national importance but because of its size and detail this is particularly exciting.’

A spokesman for the British Museum confirmed that Darren’s discovery was ‘a significant Viking hoard’.

He said: ‘Research on the hoard is ongoing and more information and images will be revealed at the time of the coroner’s inquest in mid-December.’


A spokesperson for Carlisle’s Tullie House Museum, where the hoard was originally taken, compared Mr Webster’s find to that of the Cuerdale Hoard found on the southern bank of a bend of the River Ribble in 1840, the largest Viking silver hoard in north-western Europe.

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